Safe & Friendly Travel for the LGBTQ Community
Photo Credit: Virtuoso
Mark Nichols has rarely been discriminated against while traveling, but it has happened.
“I chalk that up to either ill-informed people or outright racists,” said Nichols.
Staying safe while traveling is important. Travel provides us with opportunities to learn about places and cultures different from our own. As we prepare for our next journey, we often do research on local currency, customs, unique attractions, and other ways to make our trip social. How many of us, though, take the time to think about safety?
“It affects the entire trip if I feel unsafe,” said Nichols. “All I want to do is get out of an unsafe area and stay in my comfort zone.”
While women traveling alone and young students can take extra precautions to remain safe, the landscape is often more dangerous for LGBTQ travelers. Many of them experience an elevated level of risk while traveling just because of who they are. With many countries ruling same-sex marriage illegal and others considering these relationships a crime, it is more crucial than ever that travel agencies offer safe travel.
The team at Avondale Travel takes safety seriously. We work hard to ensure that each of our travelers feels safe no matter where they are. Our global network includes LGBTQ-owned and friendly suppliers. These in-market contacts know the local landscape and how to make each traveler feel safe and secure. For those travelers who want to visit a destination that is not especially friendly, our Avondale Travel contacts have options and suggestions to make that destination a reality.
To Nichols, working with a safe travel agency is extremely important.
“I hope my travel agent has my best interests at heart. I rely a lot on recommendations by locals that are published on reputable websites online,” said Nichols. “I’ll talk to my travel agent and friends who have traveled to the area before for their thoughts and recommendations.”
Safe travel should be a priority for everyone, whether or not they’re part of the LGBTQ community. Avondale Travel is dedicated to providing a safe experience for all of our clients, allowing them to travel the world without fear.